Monday, May 18, 2020

Professional Ethics and Values - 1020 Words

Running head: PROFESSIONAL VALUES AND ETHICS Professional Values and Ethics University of Phoenix Professional Values and Ethics What is the difference between values and ethics? Values are rules by which people make decisions about what is right versus wrong; good versus bad and what one should or should not do. The definition of values according to is â€Å"the ideals, customs, institutions, etc., of a society toward which the people of the group have an affective regard. These values may be positive, as cleanliness, freedom, or education, or negative, as cruelty, crime, or blasphemy† (The American Heritage ® Dictionary of the English Language, 2009).†¦show more content†¦In today’s society so many cases of people who have chosen to ignore ethics and values in the pursuit of success or financial gain only end in their demise. A closer examination of professional values and ethics in America certainly reveal that companies or organizations that adhere to a well defined set of professional values and ethics will stand the test of time. Many of America’s o ldest and financially sound companies are strong today because they followed a well defined code of business values and ethics. Ford Motor Company is one example, Henry Ford believed so strongly in his company’s code of ethics that he doubled the pay of employs who complied with his code of conduct, which was based upon his personal religious beliefs – regular church attendance, no alcohol, no late hours, and no frivolous spending. J.C. Penney is another company that is a prime example of a successful company that was built on professional values and ethics. Penney took a stand against the unfair business practices of his time; he developed a code of ethics which is considered one of the first general codes for ethics in business. His business partners were required to pledge honesty, integrity, and moral leadership; they were required to follow a code of ethics which can arguably be attributed to the success of many American businesses.Show MoreRelatedProfessional Val ues and Ethics Paper1122 Words   |  5 Pages-1 Professional Values and Ethics Paper Rhonda Beron, Andrea De Los Santos, Emilie Goodman, and LaToya Sims GEN/200 August 16, 2010 Andrea Lara Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the relationship among professional values, ethics, and career success. A person’s personal values and ethics can influence their professional values and ethics in the workplace. Finding the right balance between personal and professional views in the workplace will help foster a successful careerRead MorePersonal Values And Professional Ethics1453 Words   |  6 Pagesdilemmas in the practice, and the decision-making process requires a separation form the personal values and professional ethics. 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